
The implementation of an ISO level Quality Management System (QMS) involves documenting all the processes which have an effect on the quality of the service or product provided by your company in a manner that shows your company conforms to the requirements of the ISO standard.

We, at IQS, will develop a Quality Management System which is simple but effective and meets the needs of your company while complying with the standard.

The time frame for the implementation process depends on a number of things, for example, the size of your company and the complexity of the product/s, or service/s.


One of the main requirements of ISO is the performance of regular, scheduled internal audits to identify opportunities for improvement and ascertain areas of the QMS which do not meet the requirements of the standard. These audits ensure the QMS remains effective and suitable to the needs of the organisation.

In order to maintain an ISO Certificate, you will need to be audited by an accredited organisation who can issue you the relevant certificate. IQS has good working relationships with a number of organisations and we will assist you in choosing one which best fits your needs.